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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's Remarks on the Statement by Friendly Countries in Support of China at the 47th Session of the Human Rights Council
2021-06-22 22:47

Q: On June 22, Canada, on behalf of some Western countries, attacked China at the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet. Meanwhile, more than 60 countries made a joint statement supporting China's position and opposing interference in China's internal affairs under the pretext of human rights. What is China's comment?

A: On June 22, at the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Belarus delivered a joint speech on behalf of 65 countries, stressing that respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries and non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states are basic norms governing international relations. The affairs of Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet are China's internal affairs, and the outside world should not interfere. All should abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respect the right of people of all countries to independently choose the path of human rights development in light of their national conditions, oppose politicizing and double standards on human rights issues, oppose politically motivated and groundless accusations against China based on disinformation, and oppose interference in China's internal affairs under the pretext of human rights. The six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have sent a letter supporting China's position, and more than 20 countries are ready to support and echo China by making statements in national capacity.

Justice always prevails and people can tell right from wrong. More than 90 countries voiced their appeal for justice at the Human Rights Council, which reflects what the international community is supporting and exposes the hypocrisy of a few Western countries in interfering in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of human rights, and their attempt to smear China on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet failed again. Issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet are not human rights issues at all. China has made clear its solemn position on many occasions and given detailed statement of the facts and truth, but that still cannot wake up those who are only pretending to be asleep. A handful of Western countries are eager to fabricate and hype up China-related rumors and interfere in China's internal affairs in the name of human rights, with the purpose of suppressing and containing China and hindering China's development process. This is bound to be in vain. I would like to tell these Western countries that China is unswervingly determined to promote and protect its own human rights and safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests.

I have one more point to add. These self-styled "human rights judges" are always eager to lecture others, but choose to turn a blind eye to or downplay their own serious human rights issues. The track records of Canada, the US and the UK are beyond appalling: persecution of indigenous children, widespread police violence, deep-seated racism, proliferation of firearms, frequently occurrence of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-African and anti-Asian remarks and incidents, military interventions that lead to serious humanitarian disaster and unilateral coercive measures that violate the basic human rights in other countries. With such a woeful record, what right do they have to judge the human rights situation in other countries? And what makes them feel that they are in position to interfere in others’ internal affairs? We urge these countries to take a hard look at themselves in the mirror, deeply repent their wrongdoing, take concrete steps to address their own serious human rights problems, abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the basic norms governing international relations, and make concrete contributions to the sound development of the international human rights cause.

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