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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Remarks on WHO Declaring Pneumonia Outbreak Caused by Novel Coronavirus Public Health Emergency of International Concern
2020-01-31 06:16

Q: WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared the pneumonia outbreak caused by the novel coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). What's your comment?

A: Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the Chinese government has been taking the most comprehensive and rigorous prevention and control measures with a high sense of responsibility for people's health. Many of these measures go well beyond the requirements of the International Health Regulations. We have full confidence and capability to win this fight against the epidemic.

At the same time, acting with openness, transparency and a responsible attitude, the Chinese side informed relevant sides and shared the genome sequence of the coronavirus in a timely manner. WHO and many countries have recognized and commended this.

China has been in close communication and cooperation with WHO. WHO experts recently conducted a field trip to Wuhan. Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also visited China and discussed containment and mitigation of the 2019-nCoV with the Chinese side. He commends China's efforts and speaks highly of China's great contribution to the world by fighting against the novel coronavirus. China will continue working with WHO and other countries to safeguard regional and global public health security.

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